Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where Ya Been?

We haven't fallen off the Earth! We have been very busy trying to buy a new house, celebrate birthdays, giving up binkies and such. While I write this I have a screaming 2 year old who has not slept well since the binkies retired to the land of the binkie fairies. The binkie fairy brought her presents and she has not even asked for it in the last 2 weeks. But...my baby that use to go to sleep without any problems is very demanding at bedtime these days. She is also a little sassier since turning 2, but nothing compared to where Ella was at this age. She has learned to like the pool and even the ocean waves. She has quite a little tan.
Ella has been busy at vacation bible school and being very, very difficult. Our new issues are: not wanting to wear anything BUT dresses, refusing to wear her hair pulled back or sporting a bow. She also hates her white dress sandals and has learned to make a fist at any adult that suggests something she doesn't like. She is still very good to Sophia and can be extremely helpful. She had a great time at the splash park in Myrtle Beach near our hotel. She had a total mental breakdown the Sunday we came back from vacation. Tripp actually pulled the car over and spanked her and she went to bed without a bath or book.
Tripp is busy at work and with drill. I am in the home stretch... I am officially finished with my fellowship on Friday and head to vacation until I start as a real attending on July1. Scared to death.... We have found a house that we love and are under contract currently. Can't wait to leave this tiny house and spread out some. We didn't want to live in Lex, but sometimes you have to go where the house is.
Sophia is screaming and sweating and I have let it go on for at least 18 min- I need to go. I will post birthday party pics and others soon!!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Congratulations on finishing your fellowship! Now you get to boss everyone around! Good luck with moving and congrats again. I miss you!